A Healing Hug

“Mommyyy!!!” came a shrill cry of Tony who went on crying the whole time till he got into the most comfortable and soothing place to be on earth. The ever so sweet epitome of love- his mother- his Angel on Earth, lifted him up, embraced him in a hug, brought him to sit on her laps, and gently kissed away his tears. With a kiss on his forehead and a gentle blow of cool air over the just scratched elbow that gave out a few teeny tiny droplets of watery fluid mixed with blood, Tony was half healed already. All he knew was that his mother had cast a magical spell on the wound and it would just automatically heal now in a matter of few minutes. And it surely does. Just as quick and as supernaturally as he expected it to be.
We all, like Tony, remember such remarkable moments, don’t we? And needless to say, it always brings a smile as we go down drowning ourselves through such happy moments in the memory lane. And then we come back to the present with a taste of nostalgia in our mouths, as we miss all that we had. we look around, and wish if we could still get all that love and attention.

What if the wish came true? If God sent someone to love you the same way? What if i told you that you can have such a person right there with you and can stay with you till the last breath you take!! How’s that?? Do you want to know? Well, all you need is to get up, go stand in front of the mirror, and the person who’s staring right back at you is THE ONE! Yes, exactly this very person! Ever wondered why we don’t heal as fast as we did when we were younger? We stopped loving ourselves as we grew older. And LOVE my dear friends, is the MAGIC HEALER. So don’t hold back. Hug yourself! Feel how it really makes you feel. Feel the warmth. Pat yourself on the shoulder and sense your body loosening up. You don’t have to be that hard on yourself, you know.. After all, it’s you only who’s going to be with yourself till the last breath, so take very good care of yourself. Most importantly, love yourself. Next time you’re hurt, embrace yourself in a hug and kiss your wound, or say loving words to yourself, consoling yourself. I bet, you will heal very fast! HAPPY HEALING to all of you..:)
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