How to Stop Procrastinating: Tips and Techniques for Overcoming Procrastination


First, identify cases in which you delay unnecessarily, to figure out what exactly you procrastinate on (e.g., studying) andhow you do it (e.g., by browsing social media). Then, think about those situations to also figure out where and when you procrastinate (e.g., at home or the library, on starting or finishing tasks, in the morning or evening). Finally, figure out why you procrastinate (e.g., due to perfectionism, fear, anxiety, depression, ADHD, sensation seeking, or abstract goals), potentially after reading about why people procrastinate. Another great way to make tasks more achievable is to break them down. For example, consider the remarkable productivity of the famous writer Anthony Trollope.

If you already know what you need to do next based on what you’ve read, do that. This guide gave you the main tools you need to stop procrastinating; now, it’s up to you to use them. Practice mindfulness (by paying attention to yourself and your environment as they are in the present moment, while accepting your thoughts and emotions in a non-reactive and non-judgmental manner). For example, you can ask a close friend to check on your progress once a week, or find an accountability buddy to work with. For example, write down why an outcome that you’re pursuing is important to you. If this might be the case for you, then you should think through your situation to figure out what you’re afraid of.

What is Emotional Intelligence Coaching?

For example, you can How To Stop Procrastinating, Right Now down a list of upcoming tasks in a notebook or an app. Such network is comprised of people (e.g., friends and study partners) who can help you in various ways, like providing emotional support when you face your fears. For example, move the icon of your favorite social-media app (e.g., Reddit) away from your phone’s home screen, so you won’t see it every time you open your phone. This involves incorporating elements from games, like competition with others and the accumulation of points, into other types of activities.

What is the 2 minute rule?

It was first established by David Allen in his book, Getting Things Done. The two-minute rule aims to banish procrastination and help people accomplish small tasks. Here's what the rule says: if you can do an action in two minutes or less, tackle it at the moment — and don't delay.

You hung out with friends, went for a run, reorganized your closet, maybe even finished the assignments for all your other classes. You just really, really didn’t want to study for this test, and now you’re faced with a night of cramming. Working with an online life coach is easy, and can be even more effective than in-person coaching. Get the scoop on working with an online life coach. Connect with an expert Denver life coach to build healthy relationships, authentic happiness, and create success. We have offices in Denver, Broomfield, and DTC.

How to Stop Procrastinating Right Now

This will deal with the intimidation factor, and you’ll likely spend much longer than 15 minutes on your task before you stop working again. If you are having difficulty staying on track with your goals, seeking professional assistance may be the best course of action for you. A therapist can help you understand how your habits and thoughts are affecting your success and help you develop new habits that will help you achieve your objectives. A therapist can also help with setting realistic goals and goal-setting strategies, as well as practical advice on how to achieve them. To kind of have this mental jujitsu where you can help yourself stay focused on the one small task that would bring some value in the short term, and it would make things better than they currently are.

During our more productive moments, when we temporarily figure out how to stop procrastinating, we feel satisfied and accomplished. Today, we’re going to talk about how to make those rare moments of productivity more routine. Don’t make the mistake of equating frictionless work with productivity. Diverse teams, for example, often generate better ideas but can experience more tension.

But don’t create tasks so challenging that they’re not reasonable.

Rewarding yourself is an integral part of overcoming procrastination. By rewarding yourself for completing tasks, you give yourself a reason to stay on task, and it feels good. Set a deadline for each portion of the job when breaking down activities. This will assist you in staying on track and avoiding procrastination by setting deadlines for each chunk.

chronic procrastinators

Some people do not understand how individuals with schizophrenia think, feel, or act. Let us look into the beautiful minds of people with schizophrenia. Some people find this technique to be very effective when studying or working. Plus, the 10-minute breaks ensure you won’t easily get burned out or drained. Procrastinating every day can also annoy the people around you. Who wants to be around someone who spends most of their time goofing around?

Keep in mind that your work space affects your productivity …

Tackle things as they arise, rather than letting them build up. Even if it’s just replying to an email to explain your current timetable and availability, take small actions each day. Even if it’s something small, like half an hour reading a book in your favorite coffee shop, promise yourself a treat once you’ve tackled an unpleasant task. If you find yourself repeatedly waiting for the ‘right’ moment to tackle a task, or expecting to suddenly find yourself in the ‘right’ frame of mind, you might never get it done. Set yourself a time to start a task, and stick to it. It can be easy to assume that procrastinators are simply work-shirkers, but that’s often far from the case.

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